Contributed Packages

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There are several utilities and tools around LayManSys used for building or documentating the library. These tools are packaged as "contributed work" and can be found in the contrib- releases. This directory contains the packages documentation:

The docbookm package contains a very simple XSLT drivers for generating XHTML chunks from DocBook XML. It is released under a BSD-style license.
The docbooktoc.xsl is a XSLT file for generating a XHTML table of contents from DocBook XML documents. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
The PHP program inidoc is used for documentating configuration files in a so-called INI format; this file format is typically used for config files under MS Windows™ or by PHP web applications. inidoc uses special comments in the INI files and generates DocBook XML output. It is released under the GPL 2.
The xsd2db package is used for converting XML Schema Definition files into DocBook XML code. The transformer can also be used to generate DocBook XML from plain XML files. The resulting DocBook XML code may be styled, so that you have got syntax highlighted XML code. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
The xsltoc package is used for generating a second level table of contents within the XHTML files on the project website. Second level means it generates the TOC using the documents <h2> elements. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.